Rui Soares Costa © 2024  |  All Rights Reserved


​Rui Soares Costa (b. 1981) studied Painting at Ar.Co while training and researching in Social Psychology between Portugal and the US. His research wondered about the cognitive processes involved in person memory and the importance of temporal order in the way people make sense about others.

From 2013 onward Rui has been working exclusively as a visual artist, and exhibiting since 2016. His current research and practice revolve around the perception of time by manipulating its suspension, distension and compression. Rui works closely with contemporary music and his exhibitions always have original soundtracks. Rui has established a close collaboration with the musician and multimedia artist André Gonçalves.

In 2016 he started Bull’s Eye - Artist in Residence Program at his studio in Olho de Boi. More than fifty artists, most of them international, have participated so far.

Rui's work is part of collections in Germany, India, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain and Switzerland as well as Coleção Manuel de Brito (PT), Berardo collection (PT), José Costa Rodrigues collection (PT), Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal collection (PT) and Art Fairs collection (ES). He is represented by Salgadeiras Gallery in Lisbon. Lives and works between Lisbon and Olho de Boi. 


2023 - Stringing the disconnection, Salgadeiras - Contemporary Art, Lisbon, PT

2023 -
untitled anthropocene 0,3/1/1,5/2/2,5, Caminho Pedonal Alhandra - VFX, PT

​2022 - Anthropocene & Great Acceleration, Capuchos Convent, Almada, PT

​2021 - Rising, Salgadeiras Gallery, Lisbon, PT

2019 - Não acontece este esqueleto dançar / (Un)dancing skeleton, sala 117 Gallery, Porto, PT

​2019 - 
Estes pés só pisam vento / Walking the wind, Salgadeiras Gallery, Lisbon, PT

2018 - Honey Series, Geological Museum, Lisbon, PT

2017 - Lifeline Series, Salgadeiras Gallery, Lisbon, PT

2017 - Winter Series, Palácio da Quinta da Piedade, Póvoa de Santa Iria, PT

2016 - Sweet Series, National Museum of Natural History and Science, Lisbon, PT


​​2023 - Too Much of a Good Thing, XYZ Books 10 year anniversary exhibition, a ilha, Lisbon, PT (curated by Tiago Casanova and Elžbieta Upė Rozanovaitė)

​​2023 - O Tempo das Imagens IV - Edições recentes do Centro Português de Serigrafia, Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal, Lisbon, PT (curated by João Prates)

​​2020 - Pratos para que vos quero, Cooperativa Árvore, Porto, PT

2019 - Ater, Salgadeiras Gallery, Lisbon, PT

2018 - Quando o tacto se faz contacto, sala 117 Gallery, Porto, PT (curated by Hugo Dinis)

2016 - Utopia Today, Abílio Museum, Óbidos, PT - FOLIO '16 (curated by Ana Matos)


2023 - 
DRAWING ROOM LISBOA, Sociedade Nacional de Belas Artes, Lisbon, PT (with Salgadeiras Gallery)

2022 - ARTESANTANDER, solo project, Santander Congress and Exhibition Hall, Bahia Room, Santander, ES (with Salgadeiras Gallery)

2021 - DRAWING ROOM LISBOA, Sociedade Nacional de Belas Artes, Lisbon, PT (with Salgadeiras Gallery)

2021 - JUSTMAD, Neptune Palace, Madrid, ES (with Salgadeiras Gallery)

2020 - DRAWING ROOM LISBOA, Sociedade Nacional de Belas Artes, Lisbon, PT (with Salgadeiras Gallery)

2020 - 
JUSTMAD, Neptune Palace, Madrid, ES (Ater with Salgadeiras Gallery)

2019 - 
JUSTMAD, Neptune Palace, Madrid, ES (The game of logic with Salgadeiras Gallery)


2021 - Rising

2017 -  
Olho de Boi

2016 - Sweet Series


2023 - Entropy and Transformation III: Base Camp turns Ground Control - Or the emergence of the emergency: Where do we go from here? Part III, curatorial project for the exhibition Blueprints of Power by Tiago Casanova, espaço TAJ, Lisbon, PT

2023 - Laboratório de Coisas Inúteis, curatorial project with Alexandre Lyra Leite, Inestética, VFX, PT

2023 - Entropy and Transformation II: Climbing down from the Death Zone - Or the epiphany walk: Where do we go from here? Part II, curatorial project for the exhibition Here, There, Everywhere by Simão Costa, espaço TAJ, Lisbon, PT

2022 - Entropy and Transformation I: Above eight thousand meters - Or the liminality of the highest peak: What now? Where do we go from here? Part I, curatorial project for the exhibition ...neither ends nor begins by Rui Horta Pereira, espaço TAJ, Lisbon, PT

2022 - Three houses for mankind II: Air House (co-creation with Pedro Campos Costa and João Galante), Olho de Boi pier, Almada, PT

2021 - 3 etchings (ed. 35 each, signed and numbered),
Centro Português de Serigrafia, Lisbon, PT

2021 - Three houses for mankind I: Water House  (co-creation with Pedro Campos Costa and João Galante), Antecâmara Gallery, Lisbon, PT

2020 - etching (ed. 50) for the 25th anniversary of the Ministry of Science and Technology, PT

2020 - drawings for the posters of the 25th anniversary of the Ministry of Science and Technology, PT


2012 - Post-Doc, Social Neuroscience, Faculty of Psychology, University of Lisbon / Princeton University, NJ

2009 - PhD, Social Psychology, ISCTE, Lisbon / University of California, Davis

2005 - B.A., Psychology, ISPA, Lisbon

2003 - Painting, Ar.Co, Lisbon


2021 - Three houses for mankind, with Antecâmara Gallery, Garantir Cultura Program - Fundo de Fomento Cultural, Lisbon, PT

2020 - Artistic Residency at the Mehrangarh Fort, Jodhpur, India (supported by the Mehrangarh Museum Trust and the Embassy of Portugal in India)

2011/12 - Visiting Scholar, Alexander Todorov, Princeton University, US

2010 - INCORE travel grant, INCORE, UK

2010 - INCORE bursary, INCORE, UK

2009 - Post-Doc Grant, Foundation for Science and Technology, Portugal

2008 - Travel Award, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Portugal

2005 - PhD Grant, Foundation for Science and Technology, Portugal


. ​Expresso - revista - 23/07/2021

Egoísta - 01/09/2019

Umbigo - 30/08/2019

. Le Monde Diplomatique - 01/08/2019

​. Gerador - 12/07/2019

. ​Expresso - revista - 22/06/2019

. ​RTP 3 - As Horas Extraordinárias - 11/06/2019

. ​Jornal de Letras - 22/05/2019

. Cultura de Borla - 05/07/2018

. Expresso - revista - 04/11/2017

​. SIC - cartaz - 22/09/2017

. Antena 3 - 20/09/2017

​. TimeOut - 15/11/2017

​. Sábado - Gps - 11/10/2017

. Óbidos TV - 2016